Payments API for ISO8583 message conversion
Convert to and from ISO8583, JSON, SQL, ISO20022
Online API to be used from your own application
You must LOG IN to use the API.
You have these messages configured. Use the "messageId" number in the curl request to identify your message format.
General API curl request
curl \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST --data "{\"username\":\"\",\"hash\":\"\",\"messageId\":\"xxx\",\"dataToParse\":\"\"}" or
Decode, Parse, Convert ISO8583 payments messages to HTTP JSON
Use the web UI to build messages here
api url:
If you do not want to use the API, you can also use it as an online tool
ISO8583 message Decoder Online Tool
curl \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data "{\"username\":\"\", \ \"hash\":\"\", \ \"messageId\":\"xxx\", \ \"dataToParse\":\"49534f383538333038303036303030303030303030303030303030313634373632303030303030303031323334303130303030\" \ }" \ \ /
The response is a JSON with the fields
{ "type":"success", "code":"200", "info":"Success, no issue", "data":[ {"name":"H000","value":"ISO8583"}, {"name":"F000","value":"0800"}, {"name":"F001","value":"6000000000000000"}, {"name":"F002","value":"4762000000001234"}, {"name":"F003","value":"01000"} ] }
Build ISO8583 payments messages via web API from HTTP web requests
Use the web UI to build messages here
api url:
If you do not want to use the API, you can also use it as an online tool
ISO8583 message Builder Online Tool
curl \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data "{\"username\":\"\", \ \"hash\":\"\", \ \"messageId\":\"xxx\", \ \"dataToBuild\":[{\"name\":\"H000\",\"value\":\"BBC8583\"},{\"name\":\"F000\",\"value\":\"0800\"},{\"name\":\"F001\",\"value\":\"6000000000000000\"},{\"name\":\"F002\",\"value\":\"4762000000001234\"},{\"name\":\"F003\",\"value\":\"01000\"}] \ }" \ \ /
The response is a JSON with the fields
{ "type":"success", "code":"200", "info":"Success, no issue", "data":"4242433835383330383030363030303030303030303030303030303136343736323030303030303030313233343031303030" }
Security Considerations
This FREE API is NOT SECURE enough, it only has a basic key check. This is only only good for demo, POC, development purposes. For Production, all data must be encrypted and/or signed, which we can also take care of. We have 3DES, SHA/RSA, MAC, JWT, and combinations with phisical encryption devices (HSM) to ensure maximum security.
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