ISO8583 Authorization
Payments Host

Pre-screening authorization
EMV and PIN verification
Card verification

Easy to start, fast to process, infinite scaling, Microservices containers

Scale in any cloud, premise, Kubernetes, orchestration


Security as standard, custom security easy to set up

PrePay cards, acces, fuel cards, gift cards, shopping and food cards

ISO8583 Payments Authorization Host

ISO8583 Payments Authorization Host

Key features and benefits

Microservices Scaling

Deploy as standalone process, as managed service, in container, cloud or any VM

Integration Configurable

Integrate ISO8583 card payments with Rest APIs, JSON, XML, CSV, TLV or other ISO8583 protocol

Highest level Security

Configurable HSM integration, with JavaScript scripting, allows virtually endless customizations

Protected from human errors

Configure, Share, deploy and run automatically without human intervention from Version Control (Git) to CICD.

No Human configuration needed

Automatic Analytics

Generate automatically Analytics reports, data exports locally or to another reporting system.

Scripting available for external integrations

Speed 1000 TPS

Designed from the start for fast throughput and with almost no dependencies, our home-software uses only the most basic components to achieve top speed and maximum reliability

Card Switch Prefix Router Transaction BIN Filter

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  Save cost, Route easy

Automatically handle card transactions
customizable routing behaviour

1000 TPS baseline speed, handle extreme traffic

Automatic stand-in

in case the web host is down

Maximum Security | cryptography

with a HSM or built-in

ISO8583 switch router demo in 3 minutes with ISO8583 simulators


Pre-screening and pre-Authorization with full security check for Card payments

Encryption and Cryptography for PIN, EMV, MAC Session

Authorization and full security check for Cards

Multi-connection, multi-format, ISO8583, SWIFT, ISO20022

Configurable authorization rules with override

Validation of limits, amounts, cards; Balance updates

Built-in HSM: EMV, PIN, MAC, session and key exchanges

Compatible with Base24, Postilion, Alaric

Integrated with Message Converter and Real-Time Feed Analytics


Light and powerful, Cloud-ready

Small core with scriptable engine, easy to deploy to any cloud

Configurable format: ISO8583, ISO20022, JSON, SQL, XML

Authorization rules in scripts, ready for version control

With database and/or cached files, light and configurable

Standard ISO8583 handling, default switching rules based on BIN, amount, processing code

Cloud ready to deploy

Card Payments Host Lightweight and Flexible

Cloud or on-premise

A Host for any acquiring protocol: ISO8583, TLV, CSV, XML, JSON

Handle any switch, member bank or Institution with no code changes

Easy to integrate with HSMs, Fraud, other banks

Switch, route, log, convert on the fly any payments

Built to be Flexible, Customizable and Reliable

Cloud ready to deploy


Cloud ready to deploy

Customizable business logic with flexible configurable rules

A great Host for cards, balances, validation EMV, PIN, balance

Forward ISO8583 messages or settlement files to Interchanges

Incoming ISO8583 messages to custom debit systems, card management or Dispute Management

Configurable payments transaction types

Iso8583, XML, JSON, fixed data, extracts.

Authorization scripts for cards, balance, limits and rules check,

Top speed, tiny resource footpring

Runs on any platform on Java, with JavaScript authorization scripts for transactions processing.

Use cards and message configuration from any input source, starting from all databases compatible with Java, including custom binary databases like HP NSK Enscribe and even just flat files. Configure simple authorization rules in spreadsheets or use complex logic or formatting in authorizations scripts.
Do not worry about speed, all file-related configuration is loaded to memory, so it is memory-to-memory fast.

How will my project start?

For cautious customers, we have the easy sequence.
First, we set up the interface according to the specifications.
First we run something very easy, with just a few fields. No RRN, no STAN, no PIN and EMV. Something easy to check connectivity and message parsing.
Then we can start enabling more complex message handling, checks, EMV, dynamic data and encryption. It is all built in, but we can activate independently
Once all message-related functionality is confirmed, we can start working on the Authorization rules.

How do we authorize

Simplest form of authorization is done via generic rules, based on prefixes, amounts, and generic matching.
A call to the database, or to another system, is be done to check and retrieve local data. Do not worry if you have some strange binary data structures, we can match anything
Further on, we can call on business logic to calculate EMV data, MAC or HSM calls.
You have another host or fraud system? We can send a message to that one too, no matter what kind of message it is.
If required, an update of balance or card status can be sent to another system, or just send to a logging system.
Local logging and Analytics are set up for real-time overview of the system.

So, what if it does not work?

Well, we promise it will. There has not been a single interface that we encountered which we could not implement. Also, we come up with a very cautious approach which will be tailored in such a way that you have nothing to loose.

And what if we want to do a big fast implementation?

Big&fast implementations involve a lot of risk, which we assess, share, and agree upon, in advance. Usually such projects require more people, more effort and more cost, so tell us about it.

Cloud ready to deploy

Made to Authorize!

Big or small, Authorization host systems can be set up for almost any system and requirements. starting from small simulated environments

Example authorization host setups

Simple Simulated host
is usually used for members of your institution to test against a server that is always available for their testing, in case you do not want to buy another license of an expensive host system.

Small real Host
is very similar to the one above, but you can use certain features of the real system, like cards data, key data, real HSMs, balances, with or without impacting the data.

Real Host
will be set up for normal authorization, with all features, interfaces and business logic


Request a meeting to discuss a project


neaPay payments components

Payments Authorization


Input sources

1. Directly from a user, in a secure environment, via an interactive UI or command prompt

2. From a pre-defined configuration file

3. Via commands from a web interface

Output Data

1. Database data that is used by the Authorization system. This can be a file, a direct connection to the database, or other format

2. Card Data that needs to be sent to the card printing company, in a file or via a direct connection, like a database, web host, FTP

3. Other data, like pin printing or other cardholder information, which can be sent securely to another system ro just a file

Simple Cards Generation Logic

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Clearing & Settlement

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