neaPay company policies


1. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

AUP stipulates the constraints and practices that an employee using organizational IT assets must agree to in order to access to the corporate network or the internet. It is standard onboarding policy for new employees. They are given an AUP to read and sign before being granted a network ID.
Acceptable Use Policy


2. Access Control Policy (ACP)

The ACP outlines the access available to employees in regards to an organization’s data and information systems. Some topics that are typically included in the policy are access control standards such as NIST’s Access Control and Implementation Guides. Other items covered in this policy are standards for user access, network access controls, operating system software controls and the complexity of corporate passwords. Additional supplementary items often outlined include methods for monitoring how corporate systems are accessed and used; how unattended workstations should be secured; and how access is removed when an employee leaves the organization.
Access Control Policy


3. Change Management Policy

The change management policy refers to a formal process for making changes to IT, software development and security services/operations. The goal of a change management program is to increase the awareness and understanding of proposed changes across an organization, and to ensure that all changes are conducted methodically to minimize any adverse impact on services and customers.
Change Management Policy


4. Information Security Policy

The organization’s information security policies are typically high-level policies that can cover a large number of security controls. The primary information security policy is issued by the company to ensure that all employees who use information technology assets within the breadth of the organization, or its networks, comply with its stated rules and guidelines. I have seen organizations ask employees to sign this document to acknowledge that they have read it (which is generally done with the signing of the AUP policy). This policy is designed for employees to recognize that there are rules that they will be held accountable to with regard to the sensitivity of the corporate information and IT assets.
Information Security Policy


5. Incident Response (IR) Policy

The incident response policy is an organized approach to how the company will manage an incident and remediate the impact to operations. It’s the one policy CISOs hope to never have to use. However, the goal of this policy is to describe the process of handling an incident with respect to limiting the damage to business operations, customers and reducing recovery time and costs.
Incident Response Policy


6. Remote Access Policy

The remote access policy is a document which outlines and defines acceptable methods of remotely connecting to an organization's internal networks. I have also seen this policy include addendums with rules for the use of BYOD assets. This policy is a requirement for organizations that have dispersed networks with the ability to extend into insecure network locations, such as the local coffee house or unmanaged home networks.
Remote Access Policy


7. Email and Communication Policy

The company's email policy is used to formally outline how employees can use the business’ chosen electronic communication medium. I have seen this policy cover email, blogs, social media and chat technologies. The primary goal of this policy is to provide guidelines to employees on what is considered the acceptable and unacceptable use of any corporate communication technology.
Email and Communication Policy


8. Disaster Recovery Policy

The organization’s disaster recovery plan includes both cybersecurity and IT teams’ input and will be developed as part of the larger business continuity plan. The CISO and teams will manage an incident through the incident response policy. If the event has a significant.
Disaster Recovery Policy


9. Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

The BCP will coordinate efforts across the organization and uses the disaster recovery plan to restore hardware, applications and data deemed essential for business continuity. BCP describes how the organization will operate in an emergency.
Business Continuity Plan Policy


10. The Low-Cost Policy waiver

The company waives all bounding policies for low-cost "as-is" services and products when the customer chooses the low-cost option. The low-cost option is implicit. Any chosen policy must be opted in and assessed for working with that specific customer.


11. The non-liability waiver

The company waives any liability for diverging from policies unless specifically contracted and agreed with the customer. In that case, the customer agreement takes precedence.


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