Payments training Services ISO8583
Payment platforms training

Payments Language Training

Payments professional vocabulary

Acquiring and Issuing training

Credit Debit Cards Training

Payments terminology

What is a card?

What is a Smart Card?

What is a CHIP&PIN Transaction?

What is a Magnetic Swipe transaction?

What is MOTO or ecomm?

What are Institutions and Interfaces?

What are Documents and Contracts?

What is clearing?

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Training with Professionals

There are many questions that require clarification before approaching a client. We believe it is better to ask the questions before.

All the terms above, and many other, they all come together in the payments professional's vocabulary. You need to learn the language before you can communicate effectively and understand your counterpart.

Project plans and project strategies From concept to live.

Analysis, design, development, testing and management, across several products.

Test any Payments platform

Acquiring and Issuing training

Whether you only Acquire or only Issue Cards, you still need to know both ends of the business. From the terminals, the electronic commerce , from the ATMs and Kiosks, from one part of the world or the other, transactions originate from somewhere and go somewhere for authorization. We can help you understand how all this happens and why.

Cards Training

A plastic card with your name on it, or without. With or without a chip, NFC functionality, with or without a card number, fidelity or gift cards, Bank issued or gas station issued, many things decide what a card can do and how. Learn about the world of Issuing cards and the parties involved in the process.

Acquirers and Issuers of Banking

Transactions always come from an Acquirer and go to an Issuer, and you need to know how these Institutions change place, behave similar or assume various roles in the process of authorizing transactions.

Visa, MasterCard - Interchanges Training and Tutorials


Switches and Brands Interchange Training

What are Interchanges? What is the point of Visa, MasterCard, and the others? How many more are there? CUP, JCB, Amex, Diners ... What is Branding and why am I using it? How transactions flow How transactions move money deployment.

The questions are many and the answers are not. Or just not at hand at all times. We can help you with the knowledge, the experience, and the training skills we have.

A network of networks

Learn how banks connect to networks, networks to networks, merchats to Banks and processors to concentrators. This entire world only works if it is connected.

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ISO8583 Training and Tutorials

ISO8583 Training In the payments world, the standard is ISO8583. Of course, the standard is just a definition and you need to understand how it is used in the payments world. We can teach you about it, show how it is used, demonstrate it in practice and guide you in your own project. Of course we can also explain it in relation to the Base24, Base24-eps and Way4 worlds. The ISO8583 standard and the flavors The standard is the baseline where it all starts, but the flavors out there are unlimited.

Transaction Processing Training

Getting started with the right foot is very important in the payments world. Not because you will get things wrong and will not be able to get it right later, but because you will not be able to make the connection and therefore will not understand much. We like to start easy with the global picture, and start working from there, insisting on the areas of interest and keeping out the complicated technical details in the beginning. We keep it simple and easy.

Cards, Banks, POS and ATM

From cards to banks, from terminals to switches, we will draw the map you need in order to understand your business. Of course we can also explain it in relation to the Base24, Base24-eps and Way4 worlds..


Cards and Banks Training

From the card to the Bank

From BINs to brands, from POS terminals to the Bank, cards and card data is travelling from one place to another and everything is working in connection. This connected way of working is vital for your experience in the world of transaction processing.

We can show you the way card information travels from the terminal to the Bank that issued it, how your balance works and how you find out how much money you have available to spend.

From the Bank to the Merchant

The way back is just as exciting, because it is not the same. It is just as connected and interesting, and just as important for your knowledge.

When you pay for shopping, the Bank takes money from your card, but how does the money get to the store? Find out about the interesting way the money travels back to the accounts of the stores, who are the parties involved, and who pays for what.


The Card in the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)

The card that I am going to insert into the ATM has some data printed on the front and back. The PAN number on the front, the expiry date, the name of the owner, and the CVC number on the back. This visible information is enough for using it in an online payment transaction.

For the ATM though, this is not enough. So there are 2 more places with data, on the card. There is a magnetic stripe, which works like an old video player with magnetic tape. This data can be read by performing a magnetic swipe. The ATM prefers another location to read data from: the CHIP. It is the most secure location for data, and, unless there is a terrible mechanical failure, the ATM will read the CHIP, by placing some physical contacts on the CHIP pins.

From the CHIP, the ATM reads the card number (PAN), reads the card expiry date(also printed on the card), the card sequence number (used to identify the card in case there are more cards with the same number, for example when they are replaced), some specifiv EMV tags (like PIN data) and then, using this information, the ATM makes a request to the bank to ask if it can give you the amount you have requested.

For the simplification of the example, we will assume that I am using a card that belongs to bank MegaBank and the ATM belongs to the same bank, which means it is connected by wire to that bank. So The ATM can talk freely to the bank, the bank will check my balance on my account and will then respond to the ATM whether to give me the money or not.

When the bank approves, it saves the transaction to my account and debits my account with that amount. So the money is "taken" from my account.


The Card in the POS (point of Sale)

For the simplicity of the example, let us assume that I am using the same card above, issued by bank MegaBank and I want to purchase some bread at the local market, where there is a POS device that is also connected (and branded) to MegaBank.

The POS device also has a preference to read the CHIP data (if possible), or contactless (will explain in the next paragraph) or, if not, the magnetic stripe, or even an emboss reader, which reads the embossed letters from my card (not in use anymore).

When the POS device is capable of reading the contactless (NFC) data from the card, and the card is capable of contactless reading, they both have the mark/sign for contactless, like the image below. The contactless data also comes from the CHIP, but the CHIP does not tell as much as it would if you used the contacts of the CHIP, which are more secure.

So, the POS device reads my card and also asks the bank to approve the purchase of the goods. If the banks approves, the bank saves the transaction on my account and from that moment, I cannot use that money. Unlike the case of the ATM, where I have received my own money and the transaction is complete, in the case of the POS, the merchant, the owner of the shop, has not yet received any money. My bank just approved that I am "good for the money". That is only half of the story.

The POS device is at the shop as a result of a contract between the POS acquiring system (which in this case is the same bank that made the card). So the shop owner, called merchant, made a contract with the bank to be able to accept cards payments, and the bank gave him a POS device, a contract and of course, an account number where money is going to arrive. However, the bank does not make the money transfer from my account to the shop owner's account right away when I buy something, but they wait for a convenient time to perform this sort of operations, like midnight, maybe once every few days. The reason they wait is complex and is a sum a of many aspects. First, they want to wait to make sure you do not change you mind and "reverse" the transaction, also they want to wait for a moment with less traffic so they can perform some accounting. This accounting consists of taking fees for services, like the fee for the transaction, the fee for using the POS, and other fees for other parties which are usaally involved in a transaction.

So the key takeaway is that the first part of of a transaction wioth a card happens in real-time and is acalled an Authorization. The second part is when the shop owner gets the money from your account and the bank gets the fees, and it is called clearing.


A world of Cards

No matter what your business is, at some point you need to use a bank card. If you are in the payments business, it is likely that you need to process a card. Either at POS or ATM, online or via telephone, a card will be in use. Either directly connected to the bank, to an interchange or to an unknown place, that card information is coming to you for processing and you need to know how it travelled the world to get to you. It is both interesting and exciting!

The importance of banks

Once you see the flow of transactions through the system, you will be able to see why we rely on banks for our everyday activities and the relationships they form in our world.


Mobile payments, wearables, NFC


Direct debit, micropayments, batch rocessing

Fraud in payments

Furture of payments

Crypto payments


Training - articles

Tutorials   8174 views

EMV explained for programmers

The short and direct programmer's guide to deal with EMV data. How to parse and what it is. Brief explanation of EMV Chip Data from the card What is ...
Tutorials   13603 views

Cards and Banks Training

From BINs to brands, from POS terminals to the Bank, cards and card data is travelling from one place to another and everything is working in connecti ...
ISO8583 Simulator   17524 views

ISO8583 message: The list of ISO 4217 currency codes for data elements 49 and 52

A list of ISO 4217 currency codes follows. Use these values to check or load values of data elements 49 and 51, and also others (like additional amoun ...
Tutorials   18390 views

ISO8583 payments message format, programmers guide

There is plenty of documentation about ISO8583 out there on Wikipedia, so making that again does not make sense. However, I want to have a differ ...
Reference Guide   20897 views

MCC Codes - Merchant Category Codes to use in ISO8583 Field 18

ATM MCC: 6011 This document contains lists of valid Merchant Category Codes (MCCs). MCCs are used to identify the type of business in which a merchan ...
Reference Guide   63687 views

Read smart card chip data with APDU commands ISO 7816

How to read smart cards chip and nfc data with apdu commands from the card reader. select the PSE Read Record Get processing options Read Record ...

Choose the product you need

ISO8583 Converter

Convert ISO8583 to JSON XML SQL

ISO8583 Interface

ISO8583 Interface Handler

ISO20022 Converter

Convert ISO20022 to ISO8583 ...

ISO8583 Builder

Build ISO8583 from scratch

ISO8583 Switch

ISO8583 Router by criteria

ISO8583 Authorization

Authorize cards and ledger

Payments Acquirer

Acquiring host from devices

Cards Issuing

Generate and issue cards

ISO8583 Simulator

ISO8583 HISO98 HISO87 simulator

ISO20022 Simulator

ISO20022 & SWIFT simulator

POS Simulator

POS protocols simulator

Web Api Simulator

Web API tester Performance


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