SWIFT MT ISO15022 to ISO20022 MX and JSON converter

B2B integration between SWIFT MT and ISO20022 or JSON, SQL, ISO8583

Automatic conversion from SWIFT to ISO20022

and handle in an easy, friendly JSON format

easy to configure javascript data processing

Handle all SWIFT, ISO20022 and ISO8583 data in a common way

All elements of all formats are converted to a common format

Integrate Web services, Http, TCP, Message Brokers, MQ

Microservices or standalone server, logging, reporting

TCP/IP or HTTP Web services, API and binary files

Delivered product or service, containered, cloud agnostic, platform independent

gateway iso20022 iso8583

SWIFT ISO20022 - JSON - Solution Technical Details

Technical details of the solution - highlights


Integrate SWIFT with ISO20022 via direct mapping

Configure precise requirements into message mapping and automatic formatting to convert SWIFT fields to ISO20022 and back into ISO8583


XML tags of ISO20022 to DataElements of SWIFT

Format XML tags and Pack SWIFT fields automatically, configurable


Complete data flow of all required payments messages

All Flows and business logic is scriptable via JavaScript, so any payments messages can be made from any format


Container ready, services or stand-alone

Achieve high performance, NON-STOP availability, easy maintenance both via managed services or by deploying in containers



Fast Proof of Concept and time to market

We have everything ready to do the configuration immediately after we review the documentation


Go Live in record time with minimum functionality

Extreme focus on critical functinality first and edge cases when need


Maximum agility with fast incremental iterations

Extreme focus on critical functinality first and edge cases when need

neapay time to market

Payments SWIFT conversion options

Our converter gateway is fully configurable and designed for easy configuration of custom ISO20022 formats

Convert SWIFT to ISO20022


SWIFT convert to ISO20022 and send to TCP/IP Switch / Host

Direct flow of messages to and from network endpoints, optional switching and routing


SWIFT convert to ISO20022 and route by function


SWIFT convert to JSON and route by function

Convert ISO20022 to web {JSON}


ISO20022 convert to JSON and send to REST API

All nodes / endpoints connectivity possible in the same script


ISO20022 convert to JSON and store in NoSQL database or blob


ISO20022 convert to JSON and use in Web Apps or Mobile apps

Convert ISO20022 to SWIFT or SQL


ISO20022 convert to SWIFT and send to message broker

Formatter and driver are configurable and customizable for your database


ISO20022 convert to SWIFT and store in Data Warehouse for processing


ISO20022 convert to SQL and send to database for reporting

Incoming transactions conversion

ISO8583 to JSON Conversion

How conversion works

On the felt side we have transactions coming in

The connection type is defined in .js files

Each connection is configurable independently

The script engine asks the connection to read data into a message

The connection reads information into a message

Message structures are defined independently from connections

Messages are also defined in .js files

The message is returned to the script engine

The script engine calls scripts to validate, alter information

Additional business logic can be applied via the scripts

We can then convert this information and create an output message

We take the way back and the script engine can send the new message to a connection

The connection actually sends the message out

All components work independently

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