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How Track1 and Track2 generation works
Track2 format Visa example
Track2 information is loaded in the ISO8583 message in Field 35, and is made in the following format:
card number,
character "=",
card expiry date on 4
service Code on 3 characters,
Pin Verification Value on 4 characters,
Card Verification Value on 3 characters (iCvv for CHIP)
Track2 format MasterCard example
Track2 information is loaded in the ISO8583 message in Field 35, and is made in the following format:
optional character ";"
card number,
character "=",
card expiry date on 4 characters,
service code on 3 characters,
Discretionary Data
optional trailing "?"
Track1 format Visa example
B4000340099900505^John/Doe ^22251110000123000
Track1 information is loaded in the ISO8583 message in Field 45, and is made in the following format:
character "B",
card number,
character "^",
card name,
character "^",
card expiry date on 4 characters,
service Code on 3 characters,
characters "0000"
Card Verification Value on 3
characters (iCvv for CHIP)
trailing "000"
Track1 format MasterCard example
B4000340099900505^John/Doe ^22251110000123000
Track1 information is loaded in the ISO8583 message in Field 45, and is made in the following format:
character "B",
card number,
character "^",
card name,
character "^",
card expiry date on 4 characters,
service Code on 3 characters,
characters "0000"
Card Verification Value on 3
characters (iCvv for CHIP)
trailing "000"
Card number
First Step is to calculate the card number based on an in initial value or a prefix or BIN. If you just press the "Generate Cards" button, an initial card number is
set by default. This is "4000340000000500", which is an invalid Card Number.
To make calculate a correct card number, we call a function that takes the first 15 characters of this card number, so without the last digit. This last digit is being
calculated with Luhn algorythm. That is why it is called the Luhn Digit. The algorythm makes the Luhn check of the first 15 digits and appends the calculated digit, so
the correct card number is 4000340000000504
Track1 is not really used anymore, but Track2 is always used and it is printed on the magnetic stripe of the back of the card, just like recording with a casette
player recorder.