WEB API test simulator
online payments and banking apps

With integration for more formats via API and/or SQL TCP/IP

Very High performance of 20 requests/ms

Standalone fo data confidentiality, functional, automatic regression and load mode

HTTP POST GET or any method of choice (custom)

Integrate with an HSM or use built in cryptography

Extensive logs and reports vis scripting

Integration with tokenization or database for card data

Microservices or standalone server, logging, reporting

Continous testing and duration testing with large data

Delivered as Commercial off the shelf solution or as integrated framework

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Web Api Performance Test Services

Key features and benefits

All card payments protocols

Simplify the test environment by using a single simulator for all testing protocol interfaces.

Flexible protocol configuration, scripting business behavior

All test phases

Fast POC, Smoke and Functional testing, Scenarios and regression testing. Duration and High performance testing

Flexible protocol configuration, scripting business behavior

All environments

Functional testing on Windows, Linux, Mac. CICD on Azure pipelines Aws, Bitbucket.

Duration and High performance testing on VMs and containers

Protected from human error

Create, deploy, share test configuration and test data without human intervention from Version Control (Git) to all test environments.

Ensure same test conditions in all stages automatically

Automatic Analytics

Generate automatically Analytics reports, data exports locally or to another reporting system.

Scripting available for external integrations

Speed 1000 TPS

Designed from the start for long Duration and High Performance testing

Multiple instances possible, parallel execution, on VMs or cloud.

REST Api Card Payments simulator demo video

Get Started


Save cost and a lot of effort

incrementally replace multiple providers solutions

neaPay Simulator Phases

Fast POC - Functional tests - Regressions - Performance tests - CICD tests


Simplify Maintenance


Simplify Configuration

Version Controlled

REST Api simulator demo video Visa   MasterCard   Amex   JCB   Discover

Technical run of Example setups like Visa and MasterCard in 3 minutes (video)

ISO8583 to and from JSON API

Web Services Functional Testing, Automatic Regression, Performance Load Test


ISO8583 Converter to JSON HTTP GET or POST

Configure message mapping and automatic formatting to convert ISO8583 fields in data for web and back into ISO8583

JSON, XML or custom body

Pack ISO8583 fields in a JSON, XML, or any custom body you want

Configure data via scripts

All Mapping and business logic is controllable via JavaScript, so any small changes can be made on the spot

Container ready

Achieve high performance, NON-STOP availability, easy maintenance by deploying in containers

Basic conversion of all fields as standard

By default you get a JSON of the ISO8583 data to play with. From here on, it is up to your imagination what to do with it.


ISO8583 convert to SQL or noSQL databases

Easy conversion ISO8583 to MySQL, MSSQL, or blob JSON data

Direct mapping and automatic formatting

Full control of data via scripts

Any database and any format

Standard ISO8583 handling

Convert to and from databses with JSON or SQL

Web API Testing examples

Http API Functional POST and GET

JSON XML flat text or hex body

with banking grade encryption

Custom Http or TCP protocol

custom protocol configurable

with JSON XML TLV components

and SQL noSql connection

SQL, XML, CSV, TLV and card compatibility

SQL queries or stored procedures call

CSV entries to ISO8583

ISO8583 to SQL storage or analytics

HTTP test simulator Case studies and examples

Fintech tests new mobile API back end via HTTP POST JSON

This neobank has prepared its newest mobile banking app

The backend system must be able to deliver its client app a response time under 1 second and must support 1000 connection at the same time


Established bank launches new api to receive transactions by WEB API JSON

This established bank cannot afford to launch a service that crashes , creates outages that end up in the news

They rely on neapay services to use the high performance web simulator to check if the api is capable of dealing with a peak of 20 requests per millisecond

The bank also wants to ensure the system does not degrade over a period of time so they choose a sustained load test of one week duration


Legacy SQL system integration with new web API

This financial institution uses a lagacy database based system for transaction handling

All the new components are build on new REST APIs and they use the neapay Convertor and switch to translate web API REST calls into SQL calls

neaPay simulator for web services is used to ensure the conversion system handles the desired number of requests per millisecond and delivers the response within 100ms


neapay web services Simulator

any formats JSON XML CSV text binary-hex

any connection type HTTP custom tcp

any message standard

scalable multi-threaded

all configurable


Deploy cloud / premise

no installation

unpack and run

platform independent


Run in container or standalone

very simple User Interface

server mode with no-UI

move to local, test mode

high TPS, low impact

small footprint

all memory run

no database required



Console / container output

Integrated Analytics service

Log to files any message


HTML reports service



Version control software

Siple Archive delivery or GIT

Configuration GIT or DB

In-house business logic updates

No delivery dependency



Files binary ASCII EBCDIC

TCP/IP Web Services HTTP API

CSV files storage

Databases SQL NoSQL Oracle





One instance or separate microservices

Independently configurable

Flexible ISO8583 with XML CSV TLV

Powerful ISO8583 binary file

Conversion included ISO8583-XML-SQL-CSV




Configurable cryptogram methods

Configurable PIN block methods

TLS SHA and other encryption standards

neapay web services Simulator COTS Product

From simple product delivery to the no compromise, no risk, full solution. We customize, we set it up, we test, we deliver the final solution. We even test remotely.
You just look at the reports.

Just Product 5

Commercial Off The Shelf Web Services Simulator;

Configured inbound and inbound messages;

Set up conversion logic;

Minimal Testing, Documentation on product;

Supported Product 20

Commercial Off The Shelf Web Services Simulator;

Configured inbound and inbound messages as supplied;

Set up conversion logic as supplied;

Full Testing, Regression pack delivered;

Load test delivered, applied to regression pack;

Defects and upgrade support, license;

Full Solution 50

Commercial Off The Shelf Web Services Simulator;

Configured inbound and inbound messages;

Set up conversion logic;

Full Testing, Regression pack delivered;

Load test delivered, applied to regression pack;

Defects and upgrade support, license;

Assess, design and guarantee solution;

Configure and design conversion logic

Set up redundancy, disaster recovery


Web Services Simulator Service

The Payments Conversion service provides you with the flexibility to convert ISO8583, ISO20022, XML, SWIFT messages in off-site.

Your cloud, your product

Configuration, Customization, set-up

Delivery, scale and test;

Product and Customization documentation;

Support and maintenance options;

One-time buy;

Your cloud, our product

Configuration, Customization, set-up

Delivery, scale and test;

Product and Customization documentation;

Support and maintenance options;

No initial cost, pay license;

Our cloud, our product

Configuration, Customization, set-up

Delivery, scale and test;

Product and Customization documentation;

Support and maintenance options;

Service-based pricing;

Download Web API Performance Test Simulator

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Watch this test run video before your first run


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Java is required to run the product. Please follow this guide to Download/Check Java version

Recent Articles on Web Api Test Simulator

Choose the product you need

Converter ISO8583 JSON

Convert ISO8583 to JSON XML SQL

ISO8583 Card Interface

ISO8583 Interface Handler

ISO20022 Converter

Convert ISO20022 to ISO8583 ...

ISO8583 Builder Parser

Build and parse ISO8583 messages

Card Switch Router

ISO8583 Switch Router Bin Amount

Card Payments Authorization

Authorize cards and ledger

POS Payments Acquirer

Acquiring Aggregating host from devices

Cards Issuing Host

Aggregate filter convert IoT payments

ISO8583 Simulator

ISO8583 HISO98 HISO87 simulator

ISO20022 Simulator

ISO20022 & SWIFT simulator

POS Simulator

POS protocols simulator

Web Api Simulator

Web API tester Performance

EMV QR Connector

EMV QR Code Interface Connector

IoT Connector

IoT Payments Acquiring Connector & Router

Alerts Notifications

Detect Anomalies, Alerts & Notifications

Clearing & Settlement

Generate Convert Import

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