Hardware Security Module Simulator & Virtual HSM

Support for any commands, Thales, Racal, Attala

Easy to customize for any custom encryption/decryption.

hardware security module

Cryptographic capabilities

Data encryption algorithm (DEA) standard (ANSI X3.92-1987, ISO 10126-2), DES, and two- and three-key Triple DES;

Banking procedures for message encipherment, general principles (ISO 10126-2);

PIN management and security, part 1 and 2 (ANSI X9.8, ISO 9564–1 and 2);

Message authentication (ISO 9797-1, ANSI X9.9-1987, ISO 9807);

MasterCard CVC, Visa CVV, and American Express CSC;

MasterCard CVC3, Visa dCVV, and Discover dCVV;

Unique key per transaction (ANSI X9.24-2004);

EMV-based smart card support


Thales payShield 9000 simulation

Designed specifically for payment applications, the neaPay HSM simulator performs such tasks as PIN validation, transaction processing, and key encryption, EMV and MAC support. It can be used with automated teller machine (ATM) and point of sale (POS) credit and debit card transactions.

PIN and Key capabilities

PIN block formats:

ISO 9564; PIN pad; IBM 3624 ATM PIN format; IBM 4731 PIN block; IBM Encrypting PIN pad; Unisys (Burroughs); Diebold; Docutel/Olivetti

PIN verification methods:

IBM 3624; Visa PVV; Atalla Bi-Level DES; Diebold; NCR

Key management standards:

ANSI X9.24 Parts 1 & 2; ANSI X9.52; Triple DES derived unique key per transaction.

Unlimited customizable functionality

Symmetric Key Management

PIN and Offset Generation

PIN Change, Verification, Translation

Card Verification Code/Value

EMV Chip Card Commands

LMK Translation

Derived Unique Key Per Transaction

We will assess your project, come up with the plan, inform you of any risks and take responsibility for what we offer


HSM Commander interface that sends HSM Commands


Configuration of HSM Commands and request response messages

Configure all HSM request and expected response data in Excel


List of supported HSM commands

Command Description Head Match Request Match Response CMD Response Code
(A1) Generate a Key HDR*
A1 00
A2 (A3 AZ) Generate and Print a Component HDR* A2 A3 00
A4 (A5) Form a Key from Encrypted Components HDR* A4 A5 00
A6 (A7) Import a Key HDR* A6 A7 00
A8 (A9) Export a Key HDR* A8 A9 00
AA (AB) Translate a TMK TPK or PVK HDR* AA AB 00
AC (AD) Translate a TAK HDR* AC AD 00
AE (AF) Translate a TMK TPK or PVK from LMK to Another TMK TPK or PVK HDR* AE AF 00
AG (AH) Translate a TAK from LMK to TMK Encryption HDR* AG AH 00
AS (AT) Generate a CVK Pair HDR* AS AT 00
AU (AV) Translate a CVK Pair from LMK to ZMK Encryption HDR* AU AV 00
AW (AX) Translate a CVK Pair from ZMK to LMK Encryption HDR* AW AX 00
AY (AZ) Translate a CVK Pair from Old LMK to New LMK Encryption HDR* AY AZ 00
B0 (B1) Translate Key Scheme HDR* B0 B1 00
B2 (B3) Echo Command HDR* B2 B3 00
BA (BB) Encrypt a Clear PIN HDR* BA BB 00
BC (BD) Verify a Terminal PIN Using the Comparison Method HDR* BC BD 00
BE (BF) Verify an Interchange PIN Using the Comparison Method HDR* BE BF 00
BG (BH) Translate a PIN and PIN Length HDR* BG BH 00
BI (BJ) Generate a BDK HDR* BI BJ 00
BK (BL) Generate an IBM PIN Offset (of a customer selected PIN) HDR* BK BL 00
BM (BN) Load the Excluded PIN Table HDR* BM BN 00
BQ (BR) Translate PIN Algorithm HDR* BQ BR 00
BS (BT) Erase the Key Change Storage HDR* BS BT 00
BU (BV) Generate a Key Check Value HDR* BU BV 00
BW (BX) Translate Keys from Old LMK to New LMK HDR* BW BX 00
BY (BZ) Translate ZMK from ZMK to LMK encryption HDR* BY BZ 00
C0 (C1) Generate Initial Terminal Master Keys (AS2805) HDR* C0 C1 00
C2 (C3) Generate a MAC (Message Authentication Code large messages) (AS2805) HDR* C2 C3 00
C4 (C5) Verify MAC (Message Authentication Code large messages) (AS2805) HDR* C4 C5 00
C6 (C7) Generate a Random Number (AS2805) HDR* C6 C7 00
C8 (C9) Generate an Acquirer Master Key Encrypting Key (AS2805) HDR* C8 C9 00
CA (CB) Translate a PIN from TPK to ZPK Encryption HDR* CA CB 00
CC (CD) Translate a PIN from One ZPK to Another HDR* CC CD 00
CE (CF) Generate a Diebold PIN Offset HDR* CE CF 00
CG (CH) Verify a Terminal PIN Using the Diebold Method HDR* CG CH 00
CI (CJ) Translate a PIN from BDK to ZPK Encryption (DUKPT) HDR* CI CJ 00
CK (CL) Verify a PIN Using the IBM Method (DUKPT) HDR* CK CL 00
CM (CN) Verify a PIN Using the VISA PVV Method (DUKPT) HDR* CM CN 00
CO (CP) Verify a PIN Using the Diebold Method (DUKPT) HDR* CO CP 00
CQ (CR) Verify a PIN Using the Encrypted PIN Method (DUKPT) HDR* CQ CR 00
CU (CV) Verify & Generate a VISA PVV (of a customer selected PIN) = change pin HDR* CU CV 00
CW (CX) Generate a Card Verification Code/Value HDR* CW CX 00
CY (CZ) Verify a Card Verification Code/Value HDR* CY CZ 00
D0 (D1) Generate a PIN Pad Authentication Code (AS2805) HDR* D0 D1 00
D2 (D3) Verify a PIN pad Authentication code (AS2805) HDR* D2 D3 00
D4 (D5) Translate a PIN Block to Encryption under a PIN Encryption Key (AS2805) HDR* D4 D5 00
D6 (D7) Translate an Acquirer Master Key Encrypting Key (AS2805) HDR* D6 D7 00
D8 (D9) Encrypt a CPAT Authentication Value (AS2805) HDR* D8 D9 00
DA (DB) Verify a Terminal PIN Using the IBM Method HDR* DA DB 00
DC (DD) Verify a Terminal PIN Using the VISA Method HDR* DC DD 00
DE (DF) Generate an IBM PIN Offset (of an LMK encrypted PIN) HDR* DE DF 00
DG (DH) Generate a VISA PIN Verification Value (of an LMK encrypted PIN) HDR* DG DH 00
DI (DJ) Generate and Export a KML HDR* DI DJ 00
DK (DL) Import a KML HDR* DK DL 00
DM (DN) Verify Load Signature S1 and Generate Load Signature S2 HDR* DM DN 00
DO (DP) Verify Load Completion Signature S3 HDR* DO DP 00
DQ (DR) Verify Unload Signature S1 and Generate Unload Signature S2 HDR* DQ DR 00
DS (DT) Verify Unload Completion Signature S3 HDR* DS DT 00
DU (DV) Verify & Generate an IBM PIN Offset (of customer selected new PIN) = change pin HDR* DU DV 00
DW (DX) Translate a BDK from ZMK to LMK Encryption HDR* DW DX 00
DY (DZ) Translate a BDK from LMK to ZMK Encryption HDR* DY DZ 00
E0 (E1) Generate a KEKs Validation Request (AS2805) HDR* E0 E1 00
E2 (E3) Generate a KEKr Validation Response (AS2805) HDR* E2 E3 00
E4 (E5) Verify a PIN Pad Proof of End Point (POEP) (AS2805) HDR* E4 E5 00
E6 (E7) Generate a PIN Pad Proof of Endpoint (AS2805) HDR* E6 E7 00
E8 (E9) Generate a KCA and KMACH (AS2805) HDR* E8 E9 00
EA (EB) Verify an Interchange PIN Using the IBM Method HDR* EA EB 00
EC (ED) Verify an Interchange PIN Using the VISA Method HDR* EC ED 00
EE (EF) Derive a PIN Using the IBM Method HDR* EE EF 00
EG (EH) Verify an Interchange PIN Using the Diebold Method HDR* EG EH 00
EI (EJ) Generate an RSA Key Set HDR* EI EJ 00
EK (EL) Load an RSA Secret Key HDR* EK EL 00
EM (EN) Translate an RSA Secret Key HDR* EM EN 00
EO (EP) Import a Public Key (Generate a MAC on an RSA Public Key) HDR* EO EP 00
EQ (ER) Validate a Public Key (Verify a MAC on an RSA Public Key) HDR* EQ ER 00
ES (ET) Validate a Certificate and Generate a MAC on its RSA Public Key HDR* ES ET 00
EU (EV) Translate a MAC on an RSA Public Key HDR* EU EV 00
EW (EX) Generate an RSA Signature HDR* EW EX 00
EY (EZ) Validate an RSA Signature HDR* EY EZ 00
F0 (F1) Verify a Terminal PIN using the IBM Method (AS2805) HDR* F0 F1 00
F2 (F3) Verify a Terminal PIN using the VISA Method (AS2805) HDR* F2 F3 00
F4 (F5) Calculate KMACI HDR* F4 F5 00
F6 (F7) KEKGEN (AS2805) HDR* F6 F7 00
F8 (F9) KEKREC (AS2805) HDR* F8 F9 00
FA (FB) Translate a ZPK from ZMK to LMK Encryption HDR* FA FB 00
FC (FD) Translate a TMK TPK or PVK from ZMK to LMK Encryption HDR* FC FD 00
FE (FF) Translate a TMK TPK or PVK from LMK to ZMK Encryption HDR* FE FF 00
FG (FH) Generate a Pair of PVKs HDR* FG FH 00
FI (FJ) Generate ZEK/ZAK HDR* FI FJ 00
FK (FL) Translate a ZEK/ZAK from ZMK to LMK Encryption HDR* FK FL 00
FM (FN) Translate a ZEK/ZAK from LMK to ZMK Encryption HDR* FM FN 00
FO (FP) Generate a Watchword Key HDR* FO FP 00
FQ (FR) Translate a Watchword Key from LMK to ZMK Encryption HDR* FQ FR 00
FS (FT) Translate a Watchword Key from ZMK to LMK Encryption HDR* FS FT 00
FU (FV) Verify a Watchword Response HDR* FU FV 00
FW (FX) Generate a VISA PIN Verification Value (of a customer selected PIN) HDR* FW FX 00
G0 (G1) Translate a PIN from BDK to ZPK Encryption (3DES DUKPT) HDR* G0 G1 00
GA (GB) Derive a PIN Using the Diebold Method HDR* GA GB 00
GC (GD) Translate a ZPK from LMK to ZMK Encryption HDR* GC GD 00
GE (GF) Translate a ZMK HDR* GE GF 00
GG (GH) Form a ZMK from Three ZMK Components HDR* GG GH 00
GI (GJ) Import Key under an RSA Public Key HDR* GI GJ 00
GK (GL) Export Key under an RSA Public Key HDR* GK GL 00
GM (GN) Hash a Block of Data HDR* GM GN 00
GO (GP) Verify a PIN Using the IBM Method (3DES DUKPT) HDR* GO GP 00
GQ (GR) Verify a PIN Using the VISA PVV Method (3DES DUKPT) HDR* GQ GR 00
GS (GT) Verify a PIN Using the Diebold Method (3DES DUKPT) HDR* GS GT 00
GU (GV) Verify a PIN Using the Encrypted PIN Method (3DES DUKPT) HDR* GU GV 00
GW (GX) Generate/Verify a MAC (3DES DUKPT) HDR* GW GX 00
GY (GZ) Form a ZMK from 2 to 9 ZMK Components HDR* GY GZ 00
H0 (H1) Decrypt a PIN Pad Public Key (AS2805) HDR* H0 H1 00
H2 (H3) Generate a RSA Public Key Verification Code (AS2805) HDR* H2 H3 00
H4 (H5) Generate a KEKs for use in Node to Node interchange using RSA (AS2805) HDR* H4 H5 00
H6 (H7) Receive a KEKr for use in Node to Node interchange using RSA (AS2805) HDR* H6 H7 00
H8 (H9) Encrypt a Cross Acquirer Key Encrypting Key under an Initial Transport Key (AS2805) HDR* H8 H9 00
HA (HB) Generate a TAK HDR* HA HB 00
HC (HD) Generate a TMK TPK or PVK HDR* HC HD 00
I0 (I1) Encrypt a Terminal Key under the Local Master Key (AS2805) HDR* I0 I1 00
I2 (I3) Import MULTOS Transport Key Certifying Key HDR* I2 I3 00
I4 (I5) Import MULTOS Hash Modulus Key HDR* I4 I5 00
I6 (I7) Translate MULTOS KTU HDR* I6 I7 00
I8 (I9) MULTOS ALU Generator HDR* I8 I9 00
IA (IB) Generate a ZPK HDR* IA IB 00
IC (ID) Establish Secure Session with Chip Card HDR* IC ID 00
IE (IF) Prepare Secure Message for Chip Card HDR* IE IF 00
JA (JB) Generate a Random PIN HDR* JA JB 00
JC (JD) Translate a PIN from TPK to LMK Encryption HDR* JC JD 00
JE (JF) Translate a PIN from ZPK to LMK Encryption HDR* JE JF 00
JG (JH) Translate a PIN from LMK to ZPK Encryption HDR* JG JH 00
K0 (K1) Verify Encrypted Counters (EMV HDR* K0 K1 00
K2 (K3) Verify Truncated Application Cryptogram (MasterCard CAP) HDR* K2 K3 00
K8 (K9) Export a Key under a KEK HDR* K8 K9 00
KA (KB) Generate a Key Check Value (Not Double-Length ZMK) HDR* KA KB 00
KC (KD) Translate a ZPK HDR* KC KD 00
KE (KF) Generate Issuer RSA Key Set and Public Key Certificate HDR* KE KF 00
KG (KH) Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate HDR* KG KH 00
KI (KJ) Derive Card Unique DES Keys HDR* KI KJ 00
KK (KL) Import a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate HDR* KK KL 00
KM (KN) Generate Static Data Authentication Signature HDR* KM KN 00
KO (KP) Generate Card RSA Key Set and Public Key Certificate HDR* KO KP 00
KQ (KR) ARQC Verification and/or ARPC Generation (EMV 3.1.1) HDR* KQ KR 00
KS (KT) Data Authentication Code and Dynamic Number Verification (EMV 3.1.1) HDR* KS KT 00
KU (KV) Generate Secure Message (EMV 3.1.1) HDR* KU KV 00
KW (KX) ARQC Verification and/or ARPC Generation (EMV 4.x) HDR* KW KX 00
KY (KZ) Generate Secure Message (EMV 4.x) HDR* KY KZ 00
L0 (L1) Generate an HMAC Secret Key HDR* L0 L1 00
LA (LB) Load Data to User Storage HDR* LA LB 00
LC (LD) Verify the Diebold Table in User Storage HDR* LC LD 00
LE (LF) Read Data from User Storage HDR* LE LF 00
LG (LH) Set HSM Response Delay HDR* LG LH 00
LI (LJ) Load a PIN Text String HDR* LI LJ 00
LK (LL) Generate a Decimal MAC HDR* LK LL 00
LM (LN) Verify a Decimal MAC HDR* LM LN 00
LO (LP) Translate Decimalisation Table from Old to New LMK HDR* LO LP 00
LQ (LR) Generate an HMAC on a Block of Data HDR* LQ LR 00
LS (LT) Verify an HMAC on a Block of Data HDR* LS LT 00
LU (LV) Import an HMAC key under a ZMK HDR* LU LV 00
LW (LX) Export an HMAC key under a ZMK HDR* LW LX 00
LY (LZ) Translate a HMAC Key from Old LMK to New LMK HDR* LY LZ 00
M0 (M1) Encrypt Data Block HDR* M0 M1 00
M2 (M3) Decrypt Data Block HDR* M2 M3 00
M4 (M5) Translate Data Block HDR* M4 M5 00
M6 (M7) Generate MAC HDR* M6 M7 00
M8 (M9) Verify MAC HDR* M8 M9 00
MA (MB) Generate a MAC HDR* MA MB 00
MC (MD) Verify a MAC HDR* MC MD 00
ME (MF) Verify and Translate a MAC HDR* ME MF 00
MG (MH) Translate a TAK from LMK to ZMK Encryption HDR* MG MH 00
MI (MJ) Translate a TAK from ZMK to LMK Encryption HDR* MI MJ 00
MK (ML) Generate a Binary MAC HDR* MK ML 00
MM (MN) Verify a Binary MAC HDR* MM MN 00
MO (MP) Verify and Translate a Binary MAC HDR* MO MP 00
MQ (MR) Generate MAC (MAB) for Large Message HDR* MQ MR 00
MS (MT) Generate MAC (MAB) using ANSI X9.19 Method for a Large Message HDR* MS MT 00
MY (MZ) Verify and Translate MAC HDR* MY MZ 00
NC (ND) Perform Diagnostics HDR* NC ND 00
NE (NF NZ) Generate and Print a Key as Split Components HDR* NE NF 00
NG (NH) Decrypt an Encrypted PIN HDR* NG NH 00
NI (NJ) Return Network Information HDR* NI NJ 00
NK (NL) Command Chaining HDR* NK NL 00
NO (NP) HSM Status HDR* NO NP 00
NY (Nz) Generate IVCVC3 and Static CVC3 HDR* NY Nz 00
OA (OB OZ) Print a PIN Solicitation Mailer HDR* OA OB 00
OC (OD OZ) Generate and Print a ZMK Component HDR* OC OD 00
OE (OF OZ) Generate and Print a TMK TPK or PVK HDR* OE OF 00
OI (OJ) Generate a Set of Zone Keys (AS2805) HDR* OI OJ 00
OK (OL) Translate a Set of Zone Keys to Encryption under the Local Master Key (AS2805) HDR* OK OL 00
OU (OV) Update Terminal Master Key 1 (Roll KEK 1) (AS2805) HDR* OU OV 00
OW (OX) Update Terminal Master Keys (Roll KEK 1 and KEK 2) (AS2805) HDR* OW OX 00
P2 (P3) Generate a VISA PVV (AS2805) HDR* P2 P3 00
P4 (P5) Generate a Proof of Host value (AS2805) HDR* P4 P5 00
PA (PB) Load Formatting Data to HSM HDR* PA PB 00
PC (PD) Load Additional Formatting Data to HSM HDR* PC PD 00
PE (PF PZ) Print PIN/PIN and Solicitation Data HDR* PE PF 00
PG (PH) Verify PIN/PIN and Solicitation Mailer Cryptography HDR* PG PH 00
PI (PJ) Generate Terminal Key Set (AS2805) HDR* PI PJ 00
PK (PL) Generate a PIN Pad Acquirer Security Number (AS2805) HDR* PK PL 00
PM (PN) Verify a Dynamic CVV (dCVV) HDR* PM PN 00
PO (PP) Verify and Generate a VISA PVV translate a PIN Block to Encryption under a Zone PIN Key (AS2805) HDR* PO PP 00
PQ (PR) Generate a Message Authentication Code AS2805-1988 (AS2805) HDR* PQ PR 00
PS (PT) Validate a Message Authentication Code AS2805-1988 (AS2805) HDR* PS PT 00
PU (PV) Encrypt data (AS2805) HDR* PU PV 00
PW (PX) Decrypt data (AS2805) HDR* PW PX 00
PY (PZ) Verify and Generate an IBM PIN Offset (AS2805) HDR* PY PZ 00
Q0 (Q1) Translate Audit Record MAC key HDR* Q0 Q1 00
Q2 (Q3) Retrieve Audit Record HDR* Q2 Q3 00
Q4 (Q5) Archive (Print) Audit Record HDR* Q4 Q5 00
Q6 (Q7) Delete Audit Record HDR* Q6 Q7 00
Q8 (Q9) Audit Record Verification HDR* Q8 Q9 00
QA (QB) Load Solicitation Data to User Storage HDR* QA QB 00
QC (QD) Final Load of Solicitation Data to User Storage HDR* QC QD 00
QI (QJ) Translate a PPASN from old to new LMK (AS2805) HDR* QI QJ 00
QM (QN) Data Encryption Using a Derived Privacy Key (AS2805.6.2) HDR* QM QN 00
QO (QP) Data Decryption Using a Derived Privacy Key (AS2805.6.2) HDR* QO QP 00
QQ (QR) Verify a PIN at Card Issuer using IBM Method (AS2805.6.2) HDR* QQ QR 00
QS (QT) Verify a PIN at Card Issuer using the Diebold Method (AS2805.6.2) HDR* QS QT 00
QU (QV) Verify a PIN at Card Issuer using Visa Method (AS2805.6.2) HDR* QU QV 00
QW (QX) Verify a PIN at Card Issuer using the Comparison Method (AS2805.6.2) HDR* QW QX 00
RA (RB) Cancel Authorised Activities HDR* RA RB 00
RC (RD) Verify Solicitation Mailer Cryptography HDR* RC RD 00
RE (RF) Verify a Transaction Request without PIN (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RE RF 00
RG (RH) Verify a Transaction Request with PIN when CD Field Available (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RG RH 00
RI (RJ) Verify a Transaction Request with PIN when CD Field not Available (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RI RJ 00
RI (RJ) Transaction Request With a PIN (T/AQ Key) HDR* RI RJ 00
RK (RL) Generate Transaction Response with Auth Para Generated by Acquirer (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RK RL 00
RK (RL) Transaction Request Without a PIN HDR* RK RL 00
RM (RN) Generate Transaction Response with Auth Para Generated by Card Issuer (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RM RN 00
RM (RN) Administration Request Message HDR* RM RN 00
RO (RP) Translate a PIN from PEK to ZPK Encryption (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RO RP 00
RO (RP) Transaction Response with Auth Para from Card Issuer HDR* RO RP 00
RQ (RR) Verify a Transaction Completion Confirmation Request (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RQ RR 00
RQ (RR) Generate Auth Para and Transaction Response HDR* RQ RR 00
RS (RT) Generate a Transaction Completion Response (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RS RT 00
RS (RT) Confirmation HDR* RS RT 00
RU (RV) Generate Auth Para at the Card Issuer (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RU RV 00
RU (RV) Transaction Request With a PIN (T/CI Key) HDR* RU RV 00
RW (RX) Generate an Initial Terminal Key (AS2805.6.2) HDR* RW RX 00
RW (RX) Translate KEYVAL HDR* RW RX 00
RY (RZ) Calculate Card Security Codes HDR* RY RZ 00
RY (RZ) Verify Card Security Codes HDR* RY RZ 00
RY (RZ) Generate a CSCK HDR* RY RZ 00
RY (RZ) Export a CSCK HDR* RY RZ 00
RY (RZ) Import a CSCK HDR* RY RZ 00
SK (SL) Generate ZAK ZPK under BDK and MAC PAC random numbers (Shell) HDR* SK SL 00
TA (TB TZ) Print TMK Mailer HDR* TA TB 00

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