Payments Clearing and Settlement

Generate any clearing format IPM CTF custom

Connect and Integrate Aggregators, Clearing and Settlement
ISO8583 ISO20022 IBM BD2 MQ

Convert & integrate ISO8583 ISO20022 > clearing formats

Online Formats Conversion to databases or directly to files

Visa, MasterCard and custom clearing formats

Custom formats for any files clearing system - configurable

Compatible x CSV, TLV, XML, JSON, binary files, SQL

Integration Of mutiple file formats

Aggregate and Integrate - POS acquiring

Payments Clearing Settlement

Generate Convert Import IPM CTF custom

Support any clearing format: ISO8583, fixed length clearing records, clearing files with custom formats, XML, csv, HTTP

Visa Clearing CTF

Visa clearing

Easy integrate Visa clearing files . Visa clearing scripts in our engine, the Visa clearing message format, and do not forget the test cases. Generate any records you want and build the clearing files. You can write test cases to verify the same files also. And you can automate it all. You can generate the clearing records while you perform your online tests.

And if you want a complete implementation, you can use our services for setup, implementation, test cases creation or even test execution.

MasterCard Clearing IPM

MasterCard clearing

MasterCard Clearing is just as easy. Load the BankNet scripts, as well as the messages and test cases, point the to your system and run transactions. Either generate clearing files only or send authorizations as well, the choice is yours. One by one, in batches or in full regression mode, it is all a matter of choice. Generate or validate, for our it is all the same.

Automatically trigger batch jobs based on time interval, fixed hours, file presence or external factors like API calls


Clearing and Settlement regional and local Switch

Automatic, Configurtble and customizable for any clearing protocol

Batch jobs - Automatic

Automatically trigger batch jobs based on time interval, fixed hours, file presence or external factors like API calls

XML, HTTP, Web Services, csv integration

We use the different scripts available for the connection you need, we use the format you need and we communicate on the protocol of choice. Your choice. You can add or remove fields as you please. Then add or remove those fields from the test cases. Test cases that you configure in Excel. It is great, right?

Merchants clearing

You have different merchants with different formats and you need to maintain them all? We know how that is. So we built a that can handle them all. You just load differents scripts or formats. And they are text files, so you can version them.

Clearing via web services

Yes, even via web services, encrypted or not. And it is not just that.
You will love having the same for all your clearing connections: Visa, MasterCard, Bank host, ATM, POS, e-commerce, partners and merchants.

Clearing conversion

Automatically convert live ISO8583, XML, JSON, binary transactions to any clearing format

Clearing jobs and triggers

Automatically trigger batch jobs based on time interval, fixed hours, file presence or external factors like API calls

Clearing processing

Parse clearing records in any custom format, build reports, extract data, convert and log

Clearing management

Route clearing files and send records to appropriate hosts based on format, data or time frame.

Re-format, check, validate or regenerate clearing files

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Cards Issuing Host

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ISO8583 Simulator

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ISO20022 Simulator

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POS Simulator

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Web Api Simulator

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EMV QR Connector

EMV QR Code Interface Connector

IoT Connector

IoT Payments Acquiring Connector & Router

Alerts Notifications

Detect Anomalies, Alerts & Notifications

Clearing & Settlement

Generate Convert Import

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