Card Payments Switch Router ISO8583

Microservices switching and routing

  BIN prefix routing - Card Brands

  Filter by Amount Micropayments Limits

  Institution Merchant Acquirer Routing

Error Limits Frequency Detection

  Cloud container microservices switch

Configure any payments format

Integrate web services, clearing files, databases

Container orchestration software to ensure redundancy, performance, service uptime

Leveraging microservices to have a lightning fast time to market

Payments switch router iso8583 neapay

ISO8583 Switch - Router

Key features and benefits

Microservices Scaling

Deploy as standalone process, as managed service, in container, cloud or any VM

Integration Configurable

Integrate ISO8583 card payments with Rest APIs, JSON, XML, CSV, TLV or other ISO8583 protocol

Highest level Security

Configurable HSM integration, with JavaScript scripting, allows virtually endless customizations

Protected from human errors

Configure, Share, deploy and run automatically without human intervention from Version Control (Git) to CICD.

No Human configuration needed

Automatic Analytics

Generate automatically Analytics reports, data exports locally or to another reporting system.

Scripting available for external integrations

Speed 1000 TPS

Designed from the start for fast throughput and with almost no dependencies, our home-software uses only the most basic components to achieve top speed and maximum reliability

Card Switch Prefix Router Transaction BIN Filter

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  Save cost, Route easy

Automatically handle card transactions
customizable routing behaviour

1000 TPS baseline speed, handle extreme traffic

Automatic stand-in

in case the web host is down

Maximum Security | cryptography

with a HSM or built-in

ISO8583 switch router demo in 3 minutes with ISO8583 simulators


ISO8583 Payments Switch & Route

Switch any payments device

  Save cost and a lot of effort

A platorm focused on the functionality you need. Save money, time, effort and cost by working only on the scope you use.

  Microservices Cloud and Containers

On-premise or in the cloud, use extremely simple deployment solutions to a simple VM or container to go to production in record time

  Maximum Service Uptime for the lowest cost infra

Ensure Service uptime by leveraging the newest and best cloud computing services, simple, easy and cheap; designed for high performance on the free tier

  Ultra fast to run, set up and deploy

  Time-critical: POC in days, MVP in weeks

Incremental implementation, set up and deploy for maximum efficiancy


Contact Us

  Switch POS, ATM, Web, Acquirer, Issuer

  Route by Brand: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Diners, JCB, Discover

Route terminals: ATM, POS, e-commerce

Switch to Converter for SQL, JSON, XML, other formats

Separate containers for separate functionality

In-house customizations of business logic, message format, connections

Web services and clearing formats connected to ISO8583 interfaces

Switch, Router, Stand-in for payments

Standalone server, microservices, SAAS

Visa, MasterCard, Bank host, ATM, POS, e-commerce

Web services integration and clearing formats

Performance and Reliability

Performance 1000

designed and tested for 1000tps

Reliability 99.9%

guaranteed service uptime to 99.9%; leverages cloud and orchestration systems

Low maintenance

designed for automatic deployments without human intervention

Easy to Cloud

Fast and easy deploy to cloud services Deploy on Container Registries , Azure App Services , or simple Aws EC2


Designed and tested to run in the Free Tier of the cloud

ISO8583 Switch Routing with containers

Powerful scalable core: Docker, Kubernetes, any cloud

Scripting authorization logic per container instance

Configurable routing rules per container

Easy scale each micro-service

out of the box Docker support

all the functionality of the Authorization host

ISO8583 Switch Router Architecture

neapay ISO8583 Switch and Route

ISO8583 Switch Router Environment

Switch for all your connections: Visa, MasterCard, Bank host, ATM, POS, e-commerce.

Visa, MasterCard, Amex

Switch with the standard ISO8583 based package

POS devices, network

various POS protocols, fixed message or ISO0503 based

ATM devices, network

depending on the device handler, NCR, NDC, Diebold

Clearing and settlement

simple fixed formats configurable, as well as XML or JSON

PSP, aggregators

usually via some form of ISO8583 implementation, easy to configure

e-commerce gateways

they usually send some implementation of ISO8583

e-commerce APIs

standard HTTP web service with XML or JSON data

mobile commerce, networks

networks usually come via ISO8583, while devices may send any API form

telephone, mail

simplified ISO8583 or customized messages, SQL to database checks

international, SWIFT, ISO20022

standard SWIFT or custom inter-bank, payments, clearing, cash

Card Payments Switch Router ISO8583

Use Cases and Customer Implementations

Bank Switch and routing between several cad brand Issuers

ACI Base24-eps Acquired transactions routed to card issuers

The bank uses ISO8583 Base24 HISO93 to route transactions to ISO8583 Hosts

The bank uses a processing company that runs BASE24 to process transactions, and the processor sends all transactions to our internal router

The Bank needs to convert these messages to its own legacy Host systems

The Converter receives all incoming traffic and convert each of them to ISO8583 Host custom format

The Converter converts all responses back to Base24 HISO93

neaPay Switch Router can be used to send messages to a database or web host as well

neaPay The Converter can be used to generate clearing files

Bank routing of e-commerce API transactions to Issuer Authorization system

E-commerce API Front-end routing to ACI Postilion System

The bank routes web JSON transactions for separate Issuers

The bank acquires all e-commerce transactions and needs Authorization from various Issuers.

The Bank uses neaPay ISO8583 Switch router to Efficiently and Fast route transactions to the correct Issuer

neaPay Payments Switch sends all transactions to the host and to neaPay Message Converter

The Switch router can route transactions on various protocols, with REST API, card payments or clearing

In case of no response, the Switch can respond by default.

Bank Switch and route between an old and new Card Processing System

Simple migration of new cards on a new platform while the old platform is still in use

Route transactions based on criteria

The bank has a new Cards Management platform but the old system is still in use with existing customers.

Existing customers must be authorized on the old platform, but the new customers must reach the new platform

neaPay Switch Router receives all incoming traffic and routes to the correct Authorization System then delivers all responses to the Acquiring system

neaPay Switch Router can be used to send messages to a various Hosts

Frequently Asked Questions

The application Core is written in Java, runs on any platform where Java is availableThe configuration and behavior are written in JavScript, which is delivered to the customer

Most users run the POC on a workstation or Windows VM, but some use Mac or Linux platforms for initial acceptance
Non-stop and high load converters run on Linux servers or containers
Any cloud can be used, as long as it runs Docker Containers and an OS that supports Java. RedHat, Ubuntu, CentOS

As a microservice, each converter instance can run its own configuration to perform a separate task
Several converters can be run at the same time for ISO8583, ISO 20022, SQL/Oracle, Visa, Amex, MasterCard, clearing
Each microservice can therefore be redeployed, reconfigured and maintained separately

All connectivity, message formats, business logic, are usually delivered pre-configured, ready to run.
The customer can change all of the above, on-premise.
All configuration is easy to version-control (via git)

Super fast. Processing time is under 1 millisecond.
It can be limited by external IO, HSM, Database, of course.
Each microservice instance can be scaled separately, depending on load.
Scale with containers, service managers, or simply starting several instances and balancing them via the neaPay Switch-Router

POC in a couple of days. MVP in a couple of weeks.
Most common formats are already available.
The neaPay card payments ISO8583 converter can be set up for a POC in a few hours.
Depending on the size of the scope, we can get the most of it set up and tested in a few weeks.
We can then validate and go Live in 1-2 Months. Get a Free Price Quote

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