ISO8583 Simulator
ISO8583 Converter,
Switch Router, Cards Issuer

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Download the ISO8583 simulator DEMO standalone.

 Start reading the instructions here:


The simulator requires Java 8, which needs to be available (installed) in your system. Download java from the offical website here:



To test if you have java 8 , open windows command or a shell window and type 

java -version

Expect an output like

java version "1.8.0_211"

If you do not have it, you can install java on your system or download below a version already packed with java, for Windows.


Download the Converter - ISO8583 to JSON XML and SQL standalone.

Start reading the instructions here:


The converter requires Java 8, which needs to be available (installed) in your system. Download java from the offical website here:



The converter is already packed with an ISO8583 simulator.

To test if you have java 8 , open windows command or a shell window and type 

java -version

Expect an output like

java version "1.8.0_211"

If you do not have it, you can install java on your system or download below a version already packed with java, for Windows.



Download the HSM simulator standalone.

The simulator requires Java 8, which needs to be available (installed) in your system. Download java from the offical website here:


To test if you have java 8 , open windows command or a shell window and type 

java -version

Expect an output like

java version "1.8.0_211"

If you do not have it, you can install java on your system or download below a version already packed with java, for Windows.



Download tested Windows java  versions:





For more java releases for other OS, follow the appropriate link below.




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ISO8583 Converter

Convert ISO8583 to JSON XML SQL

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Cards Issuing

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